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Key to Maximize Savings

All Information is Available on IPhone or Computer 
  • Equipment information available to maintenance staff 

  • Schedule of Maintenance items

  • Consistent record keeping

  • Online help and direction on equipment operations and maintenance

  • Energy Savings range from 5% to 20%

Making energy efficiency upgrades at your property is important to reduce energy use and costs, but upgrades are only one part of the equation for achieving maximum energy savings.  Monitoring equipment and systems, keeping accurate records and performing service and maintenance are the remaining parts to the equation.  Our WINS O&M Plan is all inclusive to achieve this goal.

Our WINS O&M plan is a program outlining how your specific equipment should be operating and streamlined maintenance required to keep that equipment operating at peak performance.  Our WINS O&M program will monitor and report on the condition of the equipment and ensure proper maintenance based on usage rather than the calendar.

(800) 937-2349
11432 South St. # 322
Cerritos Caliornia 90703
Katia Mannery CEO
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